3HH Membership Subscription Policy

3HH Membership Subscription Policy


With the ever-demanding financial burden placed on the Group, it is important to have a policy which covers membership subscription payments.

What does the membership subscription cover

Every young member of the Group is required to pay a membership subscription (“subs”). These fees ensure that we can cover the costs of delivering a fun and varied programme for each section.

Included in the membership subscription are the following items:

  • Approximately one third of subs collected by the Group is passed to Richmond Upon Thames Scout District, which in turn funds the County Scout Headquarters and UK Scout Headquarters. This amount is known as the Capitation Fee and includes the insurance with which the Group is covered.
  • Cost of the Group’s administration, utility costs, maintaining our scout hall, maintaining, repairing and replacing our tents and equipment and to subsidise certain Group events.
  • Cost of the section’s weekly activities including materials, books, badges and prizes.

The cost of camp, events and other extra activities are not included in the subs. The costs for these events will be explained when an invitation letter is sent out. When running activities and camps we try to run them as close as possible to break even with a small contingency maintained for wear and tear.

When should the subs be paid?

Our target is for subs to be paid in full by the second week of each term

How much are the subs?

The policy of the Group is to ensure Subs remain as affordable as possible while delivering an excellent range of activities and maintaining a prudent level of reserves and provisions for future projects and maintenance

Subs are currently £45 per term payable in advance (May 20)

If it is known in advance that a member will be leaving the Group part-way through the term because of extenuating circumstances then the Section Leader can approve proportionate subs , subject to approval by GSL and Chair

All costs and income are reviewed regularly by the Group Executive.

Parents will be informed of any changes to subs a minimum of 6 weeks prior to the start of the following term

How to pay

The preferred method of payment is through the Online Scout Manager Go Cardless account where parents can pay by Direct Debit for regular and one-off payments. This is much easier for parents and for the Group to administer and provides greater auditability. In exceptional circumstances, and by agreement of the Section leader , parents may pay by either cash or by cheque;

  • Cheques should be made payable to ‘3rd Hampton Hill Scout Group’. Parents must write the name of the young person and which section they belong to on the back of the cheque and the reason for payment eg Spring Subs or Easter Camp.
  • Cash should be in a sealed envelope with the name of the young person(s), their section, the amount and reason for payment written clearly on the outside. On no account must unsealed cash be given to the Leader
  • Leaders must ensure receipts are issued for cash or cheque
  • Payment for more than one child may be combined. Parents must ensure all names/sections are on the reverse of cheques or envelopes.

Parents must hand their payment to a section leader who will ensure that it gets to the group treasurer.

Reminder timescales

Reminders will be generated automatically weekly for 3 weeks after the terms start date. Leaders will liaise with parents during this period to facilitate payment or to identify potential issues (see Inclusion policy below).

Process for non-payment or late payment of subs

To ensure that subs are paid as stated in this policy the following course of action will take place if payment is not received within the following timescale:

  • After 4 weeks from the start of term , the Group Chair, or nominated representative will liaise with Leaders and then parents if required to progress payment
  • No money or applications will be accepted for other activities for a child, and they will not be allowed to attend any of these extra activities, until all outstanding subs have been paid in full.

Inclusion policy

We believe that Scouting is for all. Where financially possible, the Group operates an inclusion policy and will not exclude a young person through an inability to pay. In cases of financial difficulties, parents are encouraged to contact their child’s Section Leader for a confidential discussion regarding various support options. Any waiver of fees or other options will be recommended by the Section leader and authorised by Group Chair and GSL with a review at agreed intervals.

Gift Aid

The Group is registered with the Inland Revenue and is able to recover income tax on any subscriptions and donations.

This provides a great boost to our funds and helps keep the subs as low as possible – we can claim up to 25p for every £1 received at no cost to the parent. All parents who pay tax must be encouraged to tick the Gift Aid box within OSM.

Leaders’ children discount

All leaders are volunteers who receive no payment for their commitment to the Group both in time and in effort. In recognition of this, a discount will be applied to leader’s children.

Subscriptions for leader’s children are reduced to one term’s payment per child per year, payable for the Autumn term. This is to cover HQ capitation charges and to ensure the Group is not at a material financial disadvantage by having to cover this cost on the leader’s behalf. This reduction is eligible to Full or Assistant leaders who have met the following criteria

  1. Who have an agreed training plan to achieve their wood badge within 2 years of formal appointment into role AND
  2. Who actively run a Section ie actively and regularly take a leading role in the term programme planning and subsequent organisation, execution and attendance at: colony, pack or troop night; district council and national events; sleep-overs and camps (as the camp organiser or nights away permit holder); the AGM and any Executive or Leader meetings as called by the Group Chair or GSL.

The GSL and Chairman of the Executive Committee will confirm eligibility. Extensions may be granted but only in exceptional circumstances with a clear and auditable statement why the exception has been made.

The Secretary of the Executive Committee will maintain a list of eligible Leaders. Any changes will be ratified by GSL and Chair of the Executive Committee



Last Reviewed: Oct 21

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