3HH Needs Your Help!
Calling all Beavers, Cubs and Scouts – 3HH needs your help!
As many of you will know 3HH has been invited to be part of the Bushy House Open day, you can find more details about the event here:
It is a rare opportunity to look around a house which many of us will be familiar with, thanks to it’s sweeping views across Bushy Park.
However, want you might not know is that it represents a rare fund-raising activity for 3HH with all funds re-invested to support your Scout Troupe! We’re looking for more volunteers to help us run the cake stand which we have there! If you can help, please let us know via OSM, or emailing Martin or Paul.
If you want to attend, all the tickets are now sold out, so the only way to attend is to volunteer and bring along your Beaver/Cub/Scout!